Handcrafted with emphasis on quality & durability

Be Lenka shoes are meticulously hand-crafted; most are made in the European Union, specifically in Portugal. However, in our latest collection, we have expanded our production to Vietnam, utilising the latest technological and production options available. We aim to provide our customers with shoes incorporating state-of-the-art technologies and innovations. We remain committed to our mission of offering sustainable shoes with the lowest possible environmental impact. We supervise most of the production in person, ensuring that our shoes are delivered to you in the best quality possible.

Local manufacturing also ensures correct implementation of our strict quality control measure resulting in exceptional quality that you expect from us. Therefore, when you choose Be Lenka shoes, you can expect them to last, which means you don't have to replace your shoes every few months.
Before the shoes reach you, they are carefully inspected by many of our skilled shoemakers assisted by modern machines, which can pick up even the slightest of flaws that a human eye could miss. However, the production is still largely manual, where each pair is shaped separately by the shoemaker's hands.
Employee fair treatment and their health & safety are paramount for us.
We produce ethically under safe working conditions, adhere to strict European union employee health and safety standards, and provide fair remuneration to our employees.
We only use the highest quality materials
Premium, modern, high-quality and carefully processed materials, such as merino wool or leather, are the basis of our every collection. We prefer European suppliers instead of Asian suppliers, making our shoes a bit expensive, however of far better quality.
The fact that there are thousands of satisfied customers in various countries around the world who speak different languages speaks volumes of our quality.
We believe that we represent values that are of great importance to you as well. We want to show that we can build a trustworthy and ethical brand that respects nature and every involved person, which brings you comfort and peace of mind while walking in our shoes.